Daily Online

  • Pay on line and get good grades

    Pay on line and get good grades

    March 9, 2009

    (lHumanite) Translated by Isabelle Metral The ingenious net surfer who invited pupils to grade their teachers on-line and whose case was dismissed by the court is back with a second proposal : this time he invites...

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  • Amnesty condemns Iran over stonings

    Amnesty condemns Iran over stonings

    March 9, 2009

    Original source: Amnesty International will call on Tehran on Monday morning to commute the sentences of around eight women who are at imminent risk of being stoned to death and to impose an immediate moratorium on...

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  • Bread and roses 2009: Women need a union

    Bread and roses 2009: Women need a union

    March 9, 2009 By Joelle Fishman

    March 8 International Women's Day was born of the struggles of women in the textile mills in our country at the turn of the last century. They fought and died for better wages and working conditions,...

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  • In hard times, Women’s Day spotlights money

    In hard times, Women’s Day spotlights money

    March 8, 2009

    Original source: WASHINGTON, D.C. (WOMENSENEWS)--When titans of New York's finance industry are asked to come to Washington, D.C., these days, it's usually not to accept an award for outstanding service to the global community. But that...

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  • Sisters in arms

    Sisters in arms

    March 8, 2009

    Original source: Iranian women's presence in the social, political, and cultural arena is fairly recent. However, this movement, its progress and its impact, embraces much of Iran's contemporary history. Their struggles took shape at the beginning...

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