Daily Online

  • Doris Brin Walker, defender of civil rights, free speech, dies at 90

    Doris Brin Walker, defender of civil rights, free speech, dies at 90

    August 21, 2009

    SAN FRANCISCO ― Doris Brin Walker, an attorney famous for her brilliant and tenacious defense of political activists including Angela Davis ― and earlier, Smith Act and other McCarthy-era political defendants ― died Aug. 13 following...

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  • Truth-telling time

    Truth-telling time

    August 21, 2009

    This is truth-telling time in the fight for health care. The voices of the uninsured and underinsured, of those who have insurance but live in fear of losing it, must be heard. The stakes could not...

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  • It’s time for united action

    It’s time for united action

    August 20, 2009

    COMMENTARY One of the most insidious forms of racism today is the current right-wing campaign to bring down the presidency of Barack Obama. Turning reality on its head seems the tactic of choice to achieve this...

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  • Swine flu vaccine  get the facts

    Swine flu vaccine get the facts

    August 20, 2009 By Joel Wendland-Liu

    A new vaccine for the swine flu (H1N1) will be available this fall as the flu season begins, officials at the Department of Health and Human Services announced August 19.

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  • Unions go global to tell truth on British health service

    Unions go global to tell truth on British health service

    August 20, 2009 By Tom Mellen

    A three-million strong global union has launched a campaign to counter lies being spread by some opponents of the White House's health reform plans. US rightwingers assert that US President Barack Obama's drive to guarantee affordable...

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