Daily Online

  • WORLDNOTES China, Nigeria, Israel, Bolivia, Turkey, Cuba

    WORLDNOTES China, Nigeria, Israel, Bolivia, Turkey, Cuba

    July 21, 2009 By Teresa Albano

    China: Gov’t revamps health care, Nigeria: Insurgents call for ceasefire,Israel: Soldiers speak out, Bolivia: President lambasts U.S. bases, Turkey: Agreements reached on gas pipeline, Cuba: The ‘Five’ gain international support

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  • Thousands of British steelworkers march to save jobs

    Thousands of British steelworkers march to save jobs

    July 21, 2009

    Original source: Thousands of steelworkers and their families have marched through Redcar in a campaign to save the Corus steel plant. Over 5,000 workers and their families sent a powerful message to the government with the...

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  • Fight for the Cuban Five goes on

    Fight for the Cuban Five goes on

    July 21, 2009

    The dust has settled following the announcement June 15 that the U.S. Supreme Court had refused to review the case of the imprisoned Cuban Five. A storm of outrage exploded, followed by expressions of international solidarity....

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  • E-books publishing on the rise

    E-books publishing on the rise

    July 20, 2009

    Publishing houses or newspapers specializing in printed books have slipped into e-book publishing. This fact became evident at the recently concluded 'Digital Publishing Expo' in Beijing. By the end of 2008, ninety-percent of 578 publishing houses...

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  • Palestinian workers in West Bank sue for rights

    Palestinian workers in West Bank sue for rights

    July 20, 2009

    Original source: SALFIT, West Bank (WOMENSENEWS)--This month, five Palestinian female workers from a factory in the Israeli settlement of Barkan, in the West Bank, expect to find themselves in a Jerusalem court. They are part of...

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