Daily Online

  • Retirees picketing GM bankruptcy hearing in New York

    Retirees picketing GM bankruptcy hearing in New York

    July 1, 2009

    Reposted from laborradio.org The IUE-CWA says busloads of its GM retirees will picket the GM bankruptcy hearing today in New York. The retirees are angry over GM attempts to terminate their retiree health benefits, according to...

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  • AFTRA members mourn death of Michael Jackson

    AFTRA members mourn death of Michael Jackson

    July 1, 2009

    LOS ANGELES - The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists is mourning the sudden death of longtime AFTRA recording artist Michael Jackson. Jackson, who died June 25 at age 50, joined AFTRA in September 1969...

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  • ALBA countries condemn coup, refuse Honduran diplomats

    ALBA countries condemn coup, refuse Honduran diplomats

    June 30, 2009

    Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) issued the following statement by its Presidential Council. ALBA was formed as an alternative trade pact to the 'free trade' agreements like NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and FTAA...

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  • Hartmarx workers declare victory

    Hartmarx workers declare victory

    June 30, 2009

    DES PLAINES, Ill. — In an unprecedented display of hope, struggle and unity, more than 600 workers at the Hart Schaffner & Marx factory here joined with union leaders and elected officials in a rally June...

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  • Demand grows for federal jobs program

    Demand grows for federal jobs program

    June 30, 2009

    A few days ago, retired auto worker, Frank Hammer, read a union-baiting article in the Dayton Daily News headlined “GM Now A Federal Jobs Program.” He was angry enough to write a letter to the editor...

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