
  • A wind farm in Pa. fuels green-collar union jobs

    A wind farm in Pa. fuels green-collar union jobs

    September 15, 2009 By Teresa Albano

    EBENSBURG, Pa. -- As the G-20 Summit prepares to open in Pittsburgh Sept. 24 to deal with global capitalism's severe economic crisis, labor journalists from the International Labor Communicators Association visited some 15 area work sites...

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  • EPA will declare CO2 a dangerous pollutant

    EPA will declare CO2 a dangerous pollutant

    September 2, 2009 By Susan Webb

    The Environmental Protection Agency is set to declare carbon dioxide a dangerous pollutant, EPA head Lisa Jackson announced on Monday. That action would trigger federal regulation of industrial CO2 sources like coal-fired power plants, cars, refineries...

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  • Reports show drinking water contaminated by herbicide

    Reports show drinking water contaminated by herbicide

    August 27, 2009 By Susan Webb

    U.S. drinking water is widely contaminated by atrazine, a weed-killer that disrupts hormones in animals and is considered dangerous for pregnant women, according to a new report released by the Natural Resources Defense Council.

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  • Protests grow over big oil forgery scandal

    Protests grow over big oil forgery scandal

    August 22, 2009

    The corporate-Republican fabrication of fake 'public opposition' to clean energy (as well as health care reform) has become so aggressive and mendacious that the Sierra Club responded by launching an online 'Liar, liar, pants on fire'...

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  • Obama announces electric car grant

    Obama announces electric car grant

    August 6, 2009

    Elkhart, Indiana, residents cheered President Obama Aug. 5 as he announced $2.4 billion in federal grants -- $39 million of it for economically devastated Elkhart -- to develop electric cars and trucks “right here in the...

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