foreign policy
U. S. intervention in Cuba remains intense
March 26, 2013A new GAO report reveals that monies directed at changing Cuba's government increased sharply after 2004, the George W. Bush administration, and have remained high during the Obama administration.
Read moreWarnings about destabilization in Venezuela should be taken seriously
March 15, 2013Acting President Maduro accused a group of right wing former U.S. officials of working to destabilize Venezuela and strongly suggested that his election opponent is in contact with those circles.
Read moreEnd to favoritism for Cuban immigrants?
March 5, 2013The Chicago Tribune's editorial February 16 on U.S.- Cuba relations was big news - the newspaper had departed from the prevailing silence on how Cubans arrive in the United States.
Read moreThings coming together for a change in U.S. Cuba policy?
February 27, 2013There may be an improved chance to get the U.S. to back off some of its anti-Cuba policies, due to a series of new developments.
Read moreDemand for inquiry into France’s role in assassination of African leader
February 26, 2013On Feb. 13, a member of the French Chamber of Deputies tabled a motion to begin a parliamentary investigation of the assassination of Captain Thomas Sankara, President of Burkina Faso, in 1987.
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