foreign policy
At UN, Obama highlights break with Bush policies
September 23, 2010Obama's boldest statements came in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, when he dismissed "cynics" who say a just peace is impossible.
Read moreAfghanistan talks: a delicate moment
September 23, 2010At the same time as there looks to be a possible diplomatic breakthrough, the U.S. has launched a major military operation in Kandahar.
Read moreDismembering Afghanistan
August 16, 2010The United States and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies have lost the war in Afghanistan, but "defeat" does not mean the war is over.
Read moreThrowing gasoline on the fire in Asia
August 2, 2010The only good thing I can say about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's trip to Asia last month is that it is over.
Read moreIran, Brazil, Turkey and the ghost of Lord Palmerston
May 28, 2010Recent events bring to mind what Britain's Lord Palmerston said in the 1800s: "England has no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, only permanent interests."
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