Ethiopian immigrant Tefere Gebre shakes up labor organizing
September 10, 2013Gebre's first attempt at union organizing in Orange County was a smashing success. He successfully signed up 400 workers who toiled as sorters of trash.
Read moreAs elections loom in Germany, few support Obama on Syria
September 9, 2013BERLIN - Although Germany has had a resurgence of neo-Nazi attacks on refugees, U.S.-Germany relations have garnered much media attention with a possible U.S. attack on Syria and the National Security Agency spying scandal.
Read moreAs matter of survival, unions double down on diversity
September 9, 2013The 50-plus unions of the AFL-CIO redoubled its efforts to diversify its ranks and leadership with more women, workers of color, LGBT and young workers.
Read moreToday in labor history: Social reformer Jane Addams is born
September 6, 2013Addams was a co-founder of Chicago's Hull House, a social Christian, and a leader in the women's suffrage and peace movements. She was the first American woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
Read more“The Beast” claims six fatalities in Mexico train disaster
August 27, 2013The train was one of several Mexican and Central American immigrants call "la Bestia" -- "the beast." It goes from Southern Mexico northward to Mexico's Northern border with the United States.
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