Avatar: Hollywood science fiction, political reality
January 7, 2010What makes Avatar so interesting is that when one looks beyond the science fiction story, one clearly sees the policies of our government serving the multi-national corporations.
Read moreDoes ‘Avatar’ deal with U.S. role in Iraq and Afghanistan?
December 11, 2009The world premiere of James Cameron's new movie "Avatar" is being called brilliant and unlike anything ever seen before that satisfies all the hype.
Read moreThe U.S. and the world
December 2, 2009The world, it is generally acknowledged, has been torn loose from the old moorings that for decades structured life for billions of people.
Read moreHonduran talks fail: U.S. suspends visas
August 26, 2009The head of the de-facto government which ousted Honduras' left-leaning president, Manuel "Mel" Zelaya in a military coup spat defiance and refused to give an inch to the entreaties of a last ditch delegation of Organization...
Read moreZimbabwe awaits final election outcome
April 11, 2008After waiting more than a week for official results of the March 29 presidential elections, Zimbabweans still do not know whether Robert Mugabe, the only leader most have ever known, will step aside or face his...
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