
  • As H1N1 spreads, Thais take cover behind surgical masks

    As H1N1 spreads, Thais take cover behind surgical masks

    July 22, 2009

    BANGKOK, Jul 15 (IPS) - Pattadol Piboonsak was gripped with fear last week when he fell ill with a high fever, displaying the usual symptoms of influenza. 'I thought I had fallen ill with the new...

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  • Changes afoot for US global AIDS policy

    Changes afoot for US global AIDS policy

    July 22, 2009

    CAPE TOWN, 20 July 2009 (PlusNews) - Just three weeks into his new appointment, United States Global AIDS Coordinator Dr Eric Goosby outlined on Monday some of the changes that President Barack Obama’s administration will make...

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  • Obama hands Africas responsibilities back to Africans

    Obama hands Africas responsibilities back to Africans

    July 22, 2009

    Translated by Claire Scammell (l’Humanite) Before parliament in Accra, Ghana’s capital, the American president disposed of the role played in Africa by the major powers and called for the continent to take charge of itself in...

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  • OPINION Ahmadinejad on the wrong side of history

    OPINION Ahmadinejad on the wrong side of history

    July 22, 2009

    To reach a correct judgment concerning recent developments in Iran and the self-styled re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, it is vital to view the whole picture: national and international. For some, otherwise objective, anti-imperialist forces outside...

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  • WORLDNOTES China, Nigeria, Israel, Bolivia, Turkey, Cuba

    WORLDNOTES China, Nigeria, Israel, Bolivia, Turkey, Cuba

    July 21, 2009 By Teresa Albano

    China: Gov’t revamps health care, Nigeria: Insurgents call for ceasefire,Israel: Soldiers speak out, Bolivia: President lambasts U.S. bases, Turkey: Agreements reached on gas pipeline, Cuba: The ‘Five’ gain international support

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