
  • Showdown in Honduras

    Showdown in Honduras

    July 6, 2009

    In a day full of dramatic events, Honduran President Manuel Zelaya attempted to return to home to Tegucigalpa, Honduras capital, July 5. However, his plane was not allowed to land. As Zelaya approached Honduras in the...

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  • Scientists question N. Korea nuclear test

    Scientists question N. Korea nuclear test

    July 6, 2009

    In an article recently published in the journal Science, noted scientific journalist Daniel Clery has raised serious questions about the actual nature of the May 25 underground explosion claimed by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea...

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  • Fighting in Mogadishu intensifies

    Fighting in Mogadishu intensifies

    July 6, 2009

    Shelling between Somali rebels and government forces near the presidential palace have killed at least 12 people. Rebels who want to install an Islamic state in the east African country and the transitional government blamed each...

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  • Army fires on demonstrators in Honduras

    Army fires on demonstrators in Honduras

    July 6, 2009

    Unconfirmed reports from bloggers and on Twitter claim the armed forces have fired on crowds demanding the return of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya. Zelaya’s plane is reported to have been diverted from landing and was directed...

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  • Chavez nationalises Banco de Venezuela

    Chavez nationalises Banco de Venezuela

    July 6, 2009

    Original source: President Hugo Chavez has made a great leap towards increasing democratic control over the economy by nationalising Venezuela's third-largest bank. The government took over Banco de Venezuela after agreeing to pay Spanish privateer Grupo...

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