
  • No peace, no silence in Colombia

    No peace, no silence in Colombia

    June 26, 2009

    New documentation is available on the precariousness of life and pall of terror weighing upon Colombia. Why has deadly conflict persisted for decades? Why have rich nations turned a blind eye, or lent a hand? Britain’s...

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  • Angry wife puts hubby to sleep, cuts off testicles

    Angry wife puts hubby to sleep, cuts off testicles

    June 26, 2009

    BEIJING, June 19 -- To protect her marriage, a gynecologist in Xiaoxian, Jiangxi province, sliced off of her hubby's testicles. Li, a hardworking doctor, takes good care of her two children. But her husband surnamed Huang...

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  • Hunger drives man to jail

    Hunger drives man to jail

    June 26, 2009

    BEIJING, June 18 (Xinhuanet) -- A jobless Taiwanese national stole a box of cotton swabs to get arrested again and have free lunch in jail. Tsou Hao-lan from Taipei first stole a pair of shoes Sunday....

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  • Iraq violence seen as effort to derail pullout

    Iraq violence seen as effort to derail pullout

    June 26, 2009 By Susan Webb

    A string of deadly bombings has hit Baghdad and other areas as the U.S. prepares to pull out of Iraqi cities and towns next week.

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  • The writing is on the settlement walls

    The writing is on the settlement walls

    June 25, 2009 By Jerrold Kessel And Pierre Klochendler

    A paralyzing equation has long bedevilled would-be Middle East peacemakers: either, go directly to negotiating the kernel issues of the Israel-Palestine conflict - borders, security, refugees, Jerusalem - and leave, in the context of a full...

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