
  • Africa: Jubilee warns of another 1980s debt crisis

    Africa: Jubilee warns of another 1980s debt crisis

    June 2, 2009

    JOHANNESBURG (IRIN) -- The Jubilee Debt Campaign is calling for an immediate US$400 billion debt cancellation for developing countries to avoid returning to a 1980s-style crisis. In the era of the 'credit crunch', where bail-outs and...

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  • Expectations high for Obamas Cairo speech

    Expectations high for Obamas Cairo speech

    June 2, 2009 By Susan Webb

    President Obama will deliver an unprecedented speech in Cairo, Egypt, on Thursday, addressed to the Arab and Muslim world. Obama has said resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at the top of his agenda, and his Cairo...

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  • Rape crisis in east Congo tied to mining activity

    Rape crisis in east Congo tied to mining activity

    June 2, 2009

    Original source: WASHINGTON, D.C. (WOMENSENEWS)--Activists concerned by this year's escalation of sexual violence in eastern Congo are trying to turn up the heat on those benefitting--directly or indirectly--from illicit mineral extractions. 'Conflict minerals power our entire...

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  • JCP Chair Shii protests North Korea’s nuclear test

    JCP Chair Shii protests North Korea’s nuclear test

    June 2, 2009

    North Korea conducted a nuclear test on May 25 in disregard of world opinion. It is a flagrant violation of both United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718 of October 14, 2006, demanding that 'the DPRK not...

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  • WORLD NOTES Argentina, Egypt, China, Georgia, Afghanistan, Cuba

    WORLD NOTES Argentina, Egypt, China, Georgia, Afghanistan, Cuba

    June 2, 2009

    Argentina: Worker-run plants continue As the country slipped into financial crisis in 2001, owners of the Zanon Ceramics factory in Neuquén Province fired all employees, holding back on pay and pensions. Workers there and in 200...

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