
  • Workers in France rage over closure

    Workers in France rage over closure

    April 23, 2009

    Original source: Bosses shut a car parts factory in northern France on Wednesday after employees, outraged over mass job losses, ransacked offices and destroyed equipment. On Tuesday, a French court rejected a motion brought by employees...

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  • Abraham Lincoln Brigade reunion to celebrate humanitarian legacy

    Abraham Lincoln Brigade reunion to celebrate humanitarian legacy

    April 23, 2009

    The Lincoln Vets represent a life-long commitment to international humanitarianism. Less well known is that their work on behalf of the 500,000 refugees of the Spanish Civil War—like the Brigadistas, border crossers—helped lay the basis of...

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  • Image-stories told of Spanish Civil War refugees

    Image-stories told of Spanish Civil War refugees

    April 23, 2009

    The United Nations has described the twentieth century as the century of the refugee. Wars, revolutions, decolonization and economic globalization have uprooted and displaced millions of people worldwide. The Spanish Civil War (1936-39) caused a refugee...

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  • Stop the bias at Israel Railways

    Stop the bias at Israel Railways

    April 23, 2009

    (Reposted from Haaretz) The discussion about the dismissal of some 40 Israel Railways employees, held on Sunday in the regional labor court, shed some more light on an affair motivated by clear and overt discrimination for...

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  • A different kind of summit

    A different kind of summit

    April 22, 2009

    As the 5th Summit of the Americas met in Trinidad and Tobago under the auspices of the Organization of American States, Latin American leaders ran the show and the prime hemispheric power, represented by President Barack...

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