
  • End the Cuban embargo, congressman says

    End the Cuban embargo, congressman says

    April 18, 2009

    CHICAGO – Nearly 100 people gathered at the Adalberto United Methodist Church April 14, on the city’s north side, to hear Congressman Bobby L. Rush (D-Ill.) debrief on his recent trip to Cuba. Leaders from Chicago’s...

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  • Growing interest in Japan about Venezuela’s revolution

    Growing interest in Japan about Venezuela’s revolution

    April 18, 2009

    (Akahata is published by the Communist Party of Japan) Japanese Communist Party Social Sciences Institute Director Fuwa Tetsuzo (former JCP Central Committee chair) on April 7 attended a meeting in Tokyo with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez...

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  • India gets ready for ‘Third Front’ in polls

    India gets ready for ‘Third Front’ in polls

    April 18, 2009 By Morning Star

    Indian voters cast their ballots in round one of parliamentary elections on Thursday amid Maoist violence that left at least 17 dead. In the first of five phases, over 140 million people voted in large swathes...

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  • India’s polls and South Asian peace

    India’s polls and South Asian peace

    April 17, 2009

    Original source: 'Just as the winds of change have swept across the United States, I have no doubt that India too will witness change when the next parliamentary elections take place in a few months.' Thus...

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  • WORLD NOTES: Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Russia, West Bank, Cuba

    WORLD NOTES: Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Russia, West Bank, Cuba

    April 17, 2009

    Nigeria: Transnat’l plunder leaves loose ends The government last week denied responsibility for failing to identify bribe-takers, blaming the U.S. Attorney General instead, reported. Despite requests, facts are being withheld that entered into the trial...

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