
  • Cuba: ‘Its time to talk’ say US lawmakers

    Cuba: ‘Its time to talk’ say US lawmakers

    April 8, 2009

    HAVANA, Apr 7 (IPS) - Seven Democratic congresspersons from the U.S. concluded that it is possible to talk about any issue with Cuba and that 'it is time' to do so, at the end of a...

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  • Guantanamo medics guilty of inmate abuse

    Guantanamo medics guilty of inmate abuse

    April 8, 2009

    Original source: The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has confirmed that medical professionals who monitored CIA interrogations at the US detention camp at Guantanamo Bay violated medical ethics by participating in torture. A confidential...

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  • Raul Castro meets US lawmakers

    Raul Castro meets US lawmakers

    April 8, 2009

    Havana, Apr 7 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Raul Castro met with a US congressional delegation, on a visit to this country that started on April 3. Legislators Barbara Lee, chairwoman of the US Congressional Black Caucus,...

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  • Anti-communists attack Moldova parliament

    Anti-communists attack Moldova parliament

    April 8, 2009

    Original source: Anti-communists stormed Moldova's parliament on Tuesday, hurling computers through windows and setting fire to furniture in a violent demonstration against what they claimed were fraudulent elections. Police initially stood by but turned water cannons...

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  • Slash Afghan casualties, boost civilian aid, aid agencies say

    Slash Afghan casualties, boost civilian aid, aid agencies say

    April 8, 2009

    President Barack Obama came away from NATO’s 60th anniversary summit in Strasbourg, France earlier this month with commitments from several European NATO members to send a total of 5,000 more troops to Afghanistan. The new European...

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