
  • WORLDNOTES: India, Iraq, Southern Africa, Turkey, Haiti, Cuba

    WORLDNOTES: India, Iraq, Southern Africa, Turkey, Haiti, Cuba

    March 27, 2009

    India: New left electoral coalition formed Before general elections starting April 16, nine left parties met March 15 to shape a coalition to oppose both the centrist alliance headed by the Congress Party, in power since...

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  • Northern Ireland unites to prevent return of The Troubles

    Northern Ireland unites to prevent return of The Troubles

    March 27, 2009

    BELFAST, N. Ireland — Several thousand Catholics and Protestants united in a silent protest here after last month’s killing of two soldiers and a policeman two days later. Two other soldiers and two pizza delivery men...

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  • Visa campaign launched for Cuban Five families

    Visa campaign launched for Cuban Five families

    March 27, 2009

    Prisoners need to see their families. The United Nations Human Rights Commission urges a minimum standard that prisoners be allowed “regular” communication with family “by correspondence and by receiving visits.” The International Free the Five Committee...

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  • No more troops to Afghanistan

    No more troops to Afghanistan

    March 27, 2009

    Afghanistan is increasingly in the spotlight, as the time approaches for the Obama administration to make public the results of its comprehensive review of strategic policy there. Interviewed March 22 on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” President Obama...

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  • Solidarity from Brazil to Madagascar

    Solidarity from Brazil to Madagascar

    March 27, 2009

    If you’re in southeastern Brazil and miss the People’s Weekly World, go to the farmlands and stop by the offices of Camoneses Sem Terra, a landless peasant association. You’ll be able to read PWW articles on...

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