
  • El Salvador:  Crisis, poverty huge challenges for leftist president

    El Salvador: Crisis, poverty huge challenges for leftist president

    March 19, 2009

    SAN SALVADOR, Mar 17 (IPS) - The main challenges faced by El Salvador’s leftwing president-elect Mauricio Funes are forging understandings with other political sectors, adopting measures to deal with the economic crisis, and especially its effects...

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  • SS veterans march in Latvia to remember nazi troops

    SS veterans march in Latvia to remember nazi troops

    March 19, 2009

    Original source: About 300 Latvians marched through Riga on Monday to honour soldiers who fought in an elite nazi unit during World War II. Several dozen representatives from Latvia's anti-fascist committee held a counter-demonstration, chanting: 'Hitler...

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  • Defining moment for Pakistan

    Defining moment for Pakistan

    March 19, 2009

    Original source There are defining moments in the life of every nation. Pakistan can rightly claim that the March 16, 2009 restoration of Ifthikar Chaudhary as Chief Justice was just such a moment in its 61-year...

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  • The Pope is wrong on condoms

    The Pope is wrong on condoms

    March 18, 2009

    Jon O'Brien, president of Catholics for Choice, issued a response to Pope Benedict's statement on condom use. 'As the pope traveled to Africa, he chose this moment to make what appears to be his first unequivocal...

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  • US: We shot down Iranian unmanned aircraft in Iraq

    US: We shot down Iranian unmanned aircraft in Iraq

    March 18, 2009

    THE Pentagon has claimed that US jets shot down an Iranian unmanned surveillance aircraft last month over Iraqi territory. A US statement released on Monday said that the Ababil 3 surveillance and intelligence-gathering drone had been...

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