
  • Stem-cell treatments a step closer

    Stem-cell treatments a step closer

    March 2, 2009

    Original source: Safe and ethically uncontroversial stem-cell treatments for a host of diseases came closer to reality on Sunday thanks to a major breakthrough by British and Canadian scientists. Working together, the two teams gave skin...

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  • Kids’ cough medicines don’t work, warns drugs watchdog

    Kids’ cough medicines don’t work, warns drugs watchdog

    March 2, 2009 By Morning Star

    Parents have been warned that over-the-counter cough and cold medicines do not work on children under 12 and can even cause side effects such as hallucinations.

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  • Mugabe’s birthday gift

    Mugabe’s birthday gift

    March 2, 2009

    Original source: Zimbawean President Robert Mugabe pledged to continue land redistribution at his lavish 85th birthday party on Saturday. Mr Mugabe said: 'Land distribution will continue. It will not stop. 'The few remaining white farmers should...

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  • Opinion: Chavez win is peoples victory

    Opinion: Chavez win is peoples victory

    March 2, 2009

    Venezuelans on Feb. 15 approved a constitutional amendment removing term limits on elected officials. The door is now open for Hugo Chavez to run for a third presidential term in 2012. The outcome provoked a replay...

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  • Kaisers versus cashier: In Germany discount store workers are under attack

    Kaisers versus cashier: In Germany discount store workers are under attack

    March 1, 2009

    BERLIN – She’s called Emmely; her real name is Barbara E. – with the family name omitted in line with legal practice here. All over Germany people are talking about her, most frequently with anger in...

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