
  • Cuba celebrates UN Human Rights Day 60th anniversary

    Cuba celebrates UN Human Rights Day 60th anniversary

    December 17, 2008

    If scant Internet postings and newspaper coverage indicate anything, the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Dec. 10 — designated each year as Human Rights Day — passed almost unnoticed in the...

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  • Ultra-right pushes Canada into political crisis

    Ultra-right pushes Canada into political crisis

    December 17, 2008

    Canada has been thrown into a period of intense political volatility as the three opposition parties in Parliament have rejected the governing ultra-right Conservative Party’s “mini-budget” response to September’s economic meltdown, and announced the formation of...

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  • Agile Ecuador government riles friends and foes

    Agile Ecuador government riles friends and foes

    December 16, 2008

    Pursuing social justice and national independence, the government of President Rafael Correa has gained new adversaries while prodding old foes. Having won a 57 percent majority in a run-off vote, Illinois-trained economist Correa, candidate of the...

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  • Afghanistan: Peace group projects a way out

    Afghanistan: Peace group projects a way out

    December 13, 2008

    Ex-presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, visiting Afghanistan this week, predicted the situation there will get worse before it gets better, “just like the surge in Iraq was.” Gen. David McKiernan, who commands U.S. and NATO troops...

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  • World Notes: December 13

    World Notes: December 13

    December 13, 2008

    India: Russia aids nuclear development Visiting in India, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed agreements with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh providing for Russian construction of four more nuclear energy reactors in addition to two already being built,...

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