
  • Cuba: in the eye of Ike

    Cuba: in the eye of Ike

    September 10, 2008

    HAVANA -- All day we've been increasingly getting the 'hurricane sky.” That's when the sky gets full of darkening clouds that appear as if you're looking at the bottom of a huge drum top, and they...

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  • No one died! Cuba and hurricane solidarity

    No one died! Cuba and hurricane solidarity

    September 10, 2008 By W. T. Whitney Jr.

    The most destructive hurricane in 50 years hit western Cuba Aug. 30 with gusts up to 212 mph — the strongest ever recorded during any hurricane anywhere, according to head meteorologist Jose Rubiera.

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  • Cuba: Weathering the storms, from Gustav to Ike

    Cuba: Weathering the storms, from Gustav to Ike

    September 9, 2008

    HAVANA – (Sept. 8) A little report on the TV just updated the situation in Guantanamo. The entire province is without electricity. Cuba has a policy of turning off electricity and gas, as a preventive measure...

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  • Colombia scapegoats left opposition

    Colombia scapegoats left opposition

    September 5, 2008

    Peace in Colombia, seen as humanitarian exchanges of prisoners and negotiations with guerrilla insurgents, took a hit recently with the government revving up a smear campaign against leftists. With approval ratings allegedly approaching 91 percent, President...

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  • Afghanistan: Protests grow over civilian deaths

    Afghanistan: Protests grow over civilian deaths

    September 5, 2008

    New protests erupted in Afghanistan this week as the number of civilians dying during U.S. and NATO attacks on insurgents continues to soar. In the capital city, Kabul, hundreds of protesters blocked the highway to Pakistan...

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