
  • Colombia, land of fear and cover-up

    Colombia, land of fear and cover-up

    June 10, 2008

    “That’s pure terrorism,” Colombian President Álvaro Uribe said of students at Bogota’s Pedagogical University demonstrating May 30 for university autonomy and against cuts in public funding for education. Hyperbole in the service of fear and division...

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  • A story of greed vs. love

    A story of greed vs. love

    June 7, 2008 By James Thompson

    The movie “Before the Rains” could be used as an example to illustrate the main points of Frederick Engels’ “Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.” Set in 1930s India during the uprising of...

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  • Unionists raise funds for earthquake victims

    Unionists raise funds for earthquake victims

    June 7, 2008

    New York — In response to last month’s devastating earthquake in Sichuan, China, Local 23-25 of Unite Here, which represents a large number of Chinese immigrant garment workers here launched fundraising efforts for the victims on...

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  • India decides on historic womens bill

    India decides on historic womens bill

    June 7, 2008

    The United Progressive Alliance, the ruling group of parties in India, finally reintroduced in Parliament last month a long delayed and eagerly awaited bill to advance women’s political representation. Called the Women’s Reservation Bill, the measure...

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  • Fourth Fleet threatens peace, democracy in Latin America

    Fourth Fleet threatens peace, democracy in Latin America

    June 7, 2008

    Latin American leaders have been critical of the Bush administration plan to reestablish the U.S. Fourth Fleet which will, according to a Department of Defense press release, operate “in the Caribbean, and Central and South America.”...

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