
  • The U.S. and repressive rule

    The U.S. and repressive rule

    October 5, 2007

    Readers’ Corner According to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, the “UN has it wrong: Africa’s problem is repressive rule.” Zimbabwe, Tanzania, the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Togo, and Niger are cited...

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  • Circular migration of labor: a global corporate trend

    Circular migration of labor: a global corporate trend

    October 5, 2007

    The defeat of the Senate’s flawed comprehensive immigration bill last spring and the Bush administration’s escalating of factory and neighborhood raids, deportations and militarization of the border are largely blamed on right-wing forces who see legalization...

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  • War, peace and the Greens of Germany

    War, peace and the Greens of Germany

    October 3, 2007

    BERLIN — The color green is not usually associated with anger. A fair number of leaders of the Green political party in Germany lost their cool color and turned purple with rage last month. And they...

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  • Informe sobre Irak convence a poco

    Informe sobre Irak convence a poco

    September 21, 2007

    El muy esperado informe al Congreso del general David Petraeus, comandante de las fuerzas militares estadounidenses en Irak, no hizo nada para cambiar la opinión del pueblo norteamericano, cuya gran mayoría se opone a la guerra...

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  • Solidarity and Mexican truckers

    Solidarity and Mexican truckers

    September 21, 2007

    The U.S. Senate voted 75-23 Sept. 11 to ban Mexican trucks from U.S. highways. The vote rejected a Bush administration program that would allow Mexican truck drivers to operate beyond commercial zones near the Mexican border....

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