
  • International notes

    International notes

    January 23, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    Europe: Dock strike hits ports / South Africa: Campaign vs. AIDS discrimination / Colombia: Gov’t raids union offices / South Korea: Metal workers protest anti-labor repression / El Salvador: Protest health care privatization

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  • World Social Forum opens: 100,000 say no to war and greed

    World Social Forum opens: 100,000 say no to war and greed

    January 23, 2003 By Susan Webb

    PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil – Under the banner “No to militarization and war: another world is possible,” the World Social Forum, a gigantic meeting of the world’s progressive movements, opened Jan. 23 with a march of up...

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  • Berlin honors two anti-war martyrs

    Berlin honors two anti-war martyrs

    January 23, 2003

    BERLIN – On Jan. 12, over 80,000 people kept alive the tradition of visiting the memorial sites of two great left-wing leaders, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, on the second Sunday in January. Luxemburg and Liebknecht...

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  • Asian Social Forum focuses on privatization

    Asian Social Forum focuses on privatization

    January 23, 2003

    HYDERABAD, India – The Asian Social Forum (ASF) was held in the capital of the Indian state Andra Pradesh from Jan. 2-7. Conceived as a part of international debates that have been taking place after the...

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  • Israels wretched economy is result of war policy

    Israels wretched economy is result of war policy

    January 23, 2003

    TEL-AVIV – Israel faces a very deep and dangerous economic crisis. 2002 was the worst year Israel has had since the first few years of austerity after the war of Independence (1949-53). The annual rate of...

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