Unions focus ads on “fiscal cliff” issues
November 26, 2012"The voters spoke loud and clear and rejected any cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security."
Read moreUSPS hiring freeze hurts veterans, postal workers say
November 20, 2012While the USPS was closed on Veterans Day, Portland, Ore. postal employees used their day off to say that if USPS really wants to honor veterans, it should hire them.
Read moreIf unemployment insurance extensions expire, economy will lose 400,000 jobs in 2013
November 14, 2012If the federally funded extended unemployment insurance benefits expire at the end of 2012, the economy will lose 400,000 jobs in 2013.
Read moreUnion leaders to Obama: raise taxes on the rich, aid middle class
November 14, 2012Union leaders meeting with Barack Obama on Nov. 13 urged him to stick to his campaign pledges to raise taxes on the rich and to aid the middle class.
Read moreSneak attack on financial regulations underway on Capitol Hill
November 8, 2012A sneak attack against financial re-regulation - undoing the reforms imposed on Wall Street and similar finaglers after the 2008 crash - is underway on Capitol Hill.
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