Congreswoman introduces emergency jobs bill
August 11, 2011Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., plans to introduce the Emergency Jobs to Restore the American Dream Act, which will put over 2 million people to work.
Read moreDemand for job creation swells across the nation
August 9, 2011At rallies, meetings, marches, demonstrations and press conferences from one end of the nation to the other demands for massive job creation are challenging the tea party inspired focus on the federal deficit.
Read moreJobs with Justice needed more than ever
August 9, 2011Jobs with Justice has broadened the base of support for working people, and they have inventively multiplied the arsenal of labor's strategies.
Read more45,000 Verizon workers strike over company greed
August 8, 2011The 45,000 strikers walked off the job this weekend because the company has refused to budge since negotiations began July 22.
Read moreCongressional Black Caucus jobs hearings begin in Cleveland
August 8, 2011With African American unemployment at over 16 percent, the Congressional Black Caucus has launched a series of public hearings and jobs fairs across the country during the month of August.
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