Ohio’s GOP governor ignores pleas of 3,000 fired Ormet workers
August 28, 2014The tattered sign standing at the entrance of Ormet's North Gate pretty much says it all. It pleads to Gov. John Kasich, R-Ohio, for "some help" to save Ohio jobs.
Read moreClosing of unionized plant becomes charged issue in Connecticut elections
August 15, 2014The right wing Republican nominee accused the workers of causing the plant closing, what happened next was a lulu.
Read moreUSW rolls out platform, denounces greedy forces out to destroy workers
August 15, 2014Delegates adopted a multi-point action platform for coming years to battle what President Gerard called "shrewd, greedy and powerful" forces out to destroy workers.
Read moreUnionized ironworkers aid non-union jobless
August 7, 2014The Ironworkers are trying to find jobs for 280 non-union colleagues left high and dry without pay when a large non-union Michigan contractor suddenly shut its doors.
Read moreShutdown of Ohio aluminum giant Ormet appears final
August 5, 2014Not only did Ormet's workers rely on the company for a decent living but the economies of Ohio River communities hung on the company's survival.
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