The last mainstream intellectual defense of austerity crumbles
April 25, 2013In 2010, economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff (know in the econ trade as "R & R") released a paper, "Growth in a Time of Debt."
Read moreCity Council funds jobs center for Oakland Army Base redevelopment
April 23, 2013A major milestone was passed April 16 in the long struggle to win jobs for local workers in redevelopment of the Oakland Army Base.
Read moreAn open letter to the coal companies
April 22, 2013Positions of authority, millions of dollars of personal wealth, slick public relations consultants, $1,000 per hour lawyers, privilege, and power cannot conceal the true purpose of this bankruptcy.
Read moreUnions push plan for green infrastructure jobs
April 18, 2013Just how old and how badly in need of upgrading is the U.S. power grid?
Read moreOne of the nation’s longest lockouts comes to an end
April 16, 2013Union workers at American Crystal Sugar plants in Minnesota, North Dakota and Iowa expect to return to work soon now that they approved a contract last Saturday.
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