
  • Autoworkers confront globalization

    Autoworkers confront globalization

    March 23, 2007

    Autoworkers face one of their biggest challenges ever: how to fight in an era of globalization when companies threaten to move ever more production abroad to get the lowest wages and benefits possible. With contracts for...

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  • There are no rights without organization

    There are no rights without organization

    March 23, 2007

    The Portland (Maine) Press Herald in a recent editorial claims that the “Employee Free Choice Act opens the door to coercion.” The act, recently passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, with the support of Maine’s...

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  • Guest workers fired after protesting slave conditions

    Guest workers fired after protesting slave conditions

    March 23, 2007

    Hundreds of guest workers from India are protesting conditions in a Pascagoula, Miss., shipyard that immigrant rights activists compare to slavery. Many of the workers gathered in a church on March 11 in this Gulf Coast...

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  • Hundreds rally for jailed New Bedford workers

    Hundreds rally for jailed New Bedford workers

    March 23, 2007

    NEW BEDFORD, Mass. — Hundreds of people from Massachusetts and Rhode Island rallied here March 17 in support of 361 undocumented workers who were arrested in a government raid earlier this month at a New Bedford...

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  • Union: Sago miners did not have to die

    Union: Sago miners did not have to die

    March 23, 2007

    Standing with the West Virginia congressional delegation and before the family of deceased Sago miner Jim Bennett, United Mine Workers President Cecil Roberts and Secretary Treasurer Daniel Kane charged, “This tragedy was preventable and should have...

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