
  • Goodyear workers strike for safety, jobs, health care

    Goodyear workers strike for safety, jobs, health care

    December 1, 2006

    As the holiday season approaches, 15,000 workers at Goodyear plants in 10 U.S. states and three Canadian cities, members of the United Steelworkers, walk the picket lines, as the union ramps up a national solidarity campaign....

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  • Houston janitors score big victory

    Houston janitors score big victory

    December 1, 2006

    HOUSTON — Nationwide pressure — everything from pending strikes elsewhere to a strong statement from a key U.S. senator — plus images of Houston’s mounted police beating and arresting unarmed janitors forced this city’s top cleaning...

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  • Labor summit launches drive to fulfill voter mandate

    Labor summit launches drive to fulfill voter mandate

    December 1, 2006

    News Analysis Folks were still eating turkey sandwiches when the AFL-CIO issued its call for a Dec. 8-9 labor summit and march in Washington, D.C., to pass the Employee Free Choice Act, a top legislative priority...

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  • North Carolina Smithfield workers win against the odds

    North Carolina Smithfield workers win against the odds

    December 1, 2006

    TAR HEEL, N.C. — Close to 1,000 Smithfield Packing Co. workers walked off the job here Nov. 16 to protest illegal firings, and they won against big odds. It was a truly remarkable action by nonunion...

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  • Greyhound workers rally for justice

    Greyhound workers rally for justice

    November 18, 2006

    DALLAS — Members of Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 1700 hit the streets here as part of a national series of rallies aimed at winning a better contract with Greyhound Bus Lines. “It’s not just the...

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