
  • Puerto Ricos workers resist govt layoffs

    Puerto Ricos workers resist govt layoffs

    May 5, 2006

    Marches, picket lines and other demonstrations are shaking Puerto Rico as the colonial administration closed down government agencies and schools, ironically enough, on May 1 — International Workers Day — in response to the island nation’s...

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  • Connecticut readers to honor newsmakers

    Connecticut readers to honor newsmakers

    May 5, 2006

    NEW HAVEN, Conn. — “Today we march, tomorrow we vote” is the theme of this year’s celebration and presentation of People’s Weekly World “Newsmaker Awards” on the occasion of International Workers Day. Held on the first...

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  • At Least 350,000 March for Peace, Justice & Democracy

    At Least 350,000 March for Peace, Justice & Democracy

    May 1, 2006

    The streets of New York City echoed today with the chants, songs and shouts of at least 350,000 people from across the United States. Mobilized around the calls to end the war in Iraq, say no...

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  • Southern labor stirs in North Carolina, again

    Southern labor stirs in North Carolina, again

    April 29, 2006

    Red Springs, N.C. — North Carolina is one of the most industrialized states in the country. Yet it still has one of the lowest percentages of workers in unions, though not from lack of trying by...

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  • Immigration raids escalate fight over rights

    Immigration raids escalate fight over rights

    April 28, 2006

    Supporters of immigrant rights are reacting with anger to last week’s large-scale immigration raids, and calling for all raids and deportations to be stopped and for legislation legalizing undocumented workers to be supported. On April 19...

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