
  • Cintas workers win environmental cleanup

    Cintas workers win environmental cleanup

    August 26, 2005

    BRANFORD, Conn. — In a groundbreaking agreement, the Cintas Corp. has signed a pact with the state of Connecticut to stop using detergents which contain ingredients known as APEs (alkyphenol ethoxylates). APEs are toxic to fish...

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    August 26, 2005

    LABOR UPDATE Conyers to speak at Boston hearing on health care crisis The Greater Boston Labor Council and several local unions are among the more than 30 grassroots organizations sponsoring a hearing at Boston’s historic Faneuil...

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  • Plan to save labor unity

    Plan to save labor unity

    August 26, 2005

    AFL-CIO proposes solidarity charters for disaffiliated locals in CLCs and state federations WASHINGTON (PAI) — The AFL-CIO created a procedure to let locals from unions that left the federation — the Service Employees, Teamsters, United Food...

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  • Northwest mechanics strike for jobs

    Northwest mechanics strike for jobs

    August 26, 2005

    Northwest Airlines mechanics, cleaners and custodians walked off the job Aug. 20, refusing to accept layoffs that would leave half of them without jobs, and pay cuts that would reduce the wages of those left by...

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  • Labor pushes minimum wage hikes

    Labor pushes minimum wage hikes

    April 29, 2005 By Martha Hancock

    To counter the anti-people program being put forward by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his corporate backers, the California Labor Federation is putting forward its own program for economic recovery.

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