
  • Grocery workers mobilize for health care

    Grocery workers mobilize for health care

    December 17, 2004

    HAYWARD, Calif. — Hundreds of northern California grocery workers roared their approval at a press conference here Dec. 8 as California Labor Federation head Art Pulaski pledged the federation’s support for the UFCW locals now in...

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  • Festival of Lights & Rights boosts strikers

    Festival of Lights & Rights boosts strikers

    December 17, 2004

    PORTLAND, Ore. — In the spirit of the holidays, 300 people joined a picket line outside the Parry Center for Children Dec. 10, protesting the starvation wages that forced the 85 child care workers on strike...

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  • Illinois college faculty strike wins gains

    Illinois college faculty strike wins gains

    December 10, 2004

    CHICAGO — Faculty members at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) reached agreement on a new contract Dec. 8 after a 20-day strike halted classes here for 12,000 students. The teachers were demanding a fair wage increase, a...

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  • Labor at crossroads: Bring the discussion from union hall to union hall

    Labor at crossroads: Bring the discussion from union hall to union hall

    December 10, 2004

    NEW YORK — In an amazing bounce- back from the frustrating Nov. 2 electoral defeat, labor leaders, academics and rank-and- filers turned out en masse here to discuss and debate “Labor at the Crossroads: Competing Visions,...

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  • Unionists chart antiwar drive

    Unionists chart antiwar drive

    December 10, 2004

    CHICAGO — How can union activists make sure the unfolding discussion in the AFL-CIO includes the issues of international solidarity and peace? How can we move the foreign policy debate forward in the labor movement? How...

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