
  • Apollo Project would create 3.3 million jobs

    Apollo Project would create 3.3 million jobs

    January 16, 2004

    WASHINGTON – Environmental, labor, and civil rights organizations convened a National Press Club news conference Jan. 14 to denounce Bush-Cheney energy policies – blocked by a Senate filibuster last month – as a giveaway to oil...

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  • Iowa labor leader urges unity against Bush

    Iowa labor leader urges unity against Bush

    January 16, 2004

    On the eve of the Jan. 19 Iowa caucuses, the first major test of the 2004 elections, Iowa AFL-CIO President Mark Smith warned against disunity in the battle to defeat George W. Bush next November. “Most...

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  • Immigration plan chains workers

    Immigration plan chains workers

    January 16, 2004

    The “more compassionate” immigration system for undocumented workers proposed by President George W. Bush on Jan. 7 will grant corporations greater ability to pit U.S. workers against the global work force for domestic jobs, say labor...

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  • Dr. Kings vision inspires all working people

    Dr. Kings vision inspires all working people

    January 15, 2004

    With the exception of Labor Day, there is no more important celebration of the fight for justice for all working people than Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Some people may only see Dr. King as a...

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  • A look back at 2003  Year of Street Heat

    A look back at 2003 Year of Street Heat

    January 9, 2004

    WASHINGTON – Let’s take one last look back at 2003 as recorded in the photos on these pages. Many would say it was the “worst of times” marked by George W. Bush’s unilateral, preemptive war on...

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