
  • Labor mural unveiled

    Labor mural unveiled

    September 26, 2003

    BREWER, Maine – On Labor Day about 150 enthusiastic union members and supporters gathered at the Labor Temple here to dedicate a mural large enough to cover three outside walls of the headquarters building of the...

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  • Kucinich gets ovation at UE meet

    Kucinich gets ovation at UE meet

    September 26, 2003

    PITTSBURGH – Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), candidate for the Democratic nomination for president, brought cheers from delegates to the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers 68th convention here recently, challenging them to consider “a new vision...

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  • Amtrak unions plan one-day protest strike

    Amtrak unions plan one-day protest strike

    September 26, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    Six unions representing 5,000 Amtrak employees have announced that Amtrak employees will withdraw their services from the railroads on Oct. 3 in what the Transport Workers Union calls a “one-day political protest.”

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  • Australian teachers defend public schools

    Australian teachers defend public schools

    September 26, 2003

    Teachers in New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia have conducted 24-hour work stoppages and nationwide protests as part of the Australian Education Union’s (AEU) efforts to make education a top-level national priority. The historic action...

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  • Remember Seattle? March to Miami!

    Remember Seattle? March to Miami!

    September 26, 2003

    The Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment (ASJE) launched its March to Miami just after Labor Day in Seattle, where Teamsters and environmental activists first marched together to protest transnational corporate arrogance and the World...

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