
  • Wal-Mart  the nations worst workplace bully

    Wal-Mart the nations worst workplace bully

    January 23, 2003

    With $7 billion in profits squeezed from the labor of one million workers at 3,250 stores across the country last year, Wal-Mart deserves its reputation as the nation’s worst “workplace bully.” But the grievances against the...

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  • GE strike hits health care costs

    GE strike hits health care costs

    January 17, 2003

    SCHENECTADY, NY – As part of the first national strike against the General Electric Company in over 30 years, members of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) Local 301 walked out of...

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  • Labor anti-war group launched

    Labor anti-war group launched

    January 16, 2003

    CHICAGO – U.S. Labor Against the War (USLAW) was founded Jan. 12 at a meeting repeatedly described as “historic” by the participants. The 100 delegates were representatives of local unions, central labor councils and labor peace...

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  • Phila. labor against war

    Phila. labor against war

    January 16, 2003

    PHILADELPHIA – At its Jan. 8 meeting the Philadelphia AFL-CIO Central Labor Council passed a resolution against the war in Iraq. The Phila. Labor Council wanted to go on record as strongly opposing the Bush administration’s...

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  • AFL-CIO joins fight for economic stimulus

    AFL-CIO joins fight for economic stimulus

    January 10, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    The AFL-CIO jumped into the battle for a meaningful stimulus program on Jan. 6 when it issued its “Agenda to Create Jobs and Lift the Economy.”

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