
  • A ragged process

    A ragged process

    October 29, 2009 By Sam Webb

    Slightly over a year ago, the American people elected a young African American to the presidency and increased the Democratic majorities in the Congress.

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  • The Marx of a good RSO

    The Marx of a good RSO

    April 16, 2009 By Special to People’s World

    Students who feel crushed by capitalism can find their utopia in the open embrace of the Marxist Student Union, a Registered Student Organization, at The University of Memphis.

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  • Black history and Marxist education

    Black history and Marxist education

    February 22, 2002 By Dee Miles

    The relationship between Black history and Marxist education is quite profound. Marx elaborated quite extensively on the connection between the slave trade and slavery to the primitive accumulation of capital. Marxists provide the most credible explanations...

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