
  • Who is counting your vote? Diebold & Bush vs. the public interest

    Who is counting your vote? Diebold & Bush vs. the public interest

    January 16, 2004

    Who is counting your vote? Now is the time, before November 2004, to ask that and a few other questions. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose birthday we celebrate Jan. 19, was a courageous fighter for...

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  • Boston to buy Rx drugs from Canada

    Boston to buy Rx drugs from Canada

    January 16, 2004

    With the support of Mayor Thomas M. Menino, the city of Boston is joining the growing exodus of U.S. cities and states that now buy their prescription drugs in Canada. Under a pilot plan presented at...

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  • Philadelphia  Community rallies to save hospital

    Philadelphia Community rallies to save hospital

    January 16, 2004

    PHILADELPHIA – Overflow crowds are becoming commonplace in the battle to save historic Medical College of Pennsylvania Hospital since the announcement Dec. 18 by Tenet Healthcare Systems of its plans to close the facility. The hospital...

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  • This Week In Labor

    This Week In Labor

    January 16, 2004

    Anti-immigrant ads pollute airwaves It’s fertile conditions when economic times are bad to have someone to blame besides your rotten employer, said Iowa AFL-CIO president Mark Smith about anti-immigrant political ads that have been appearing on...

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  • Corporations blamed for mad cow disease

    Corporations blamed for mad cow disease

    January 16, 2004

    SEATTLE – By now, pretty much everyone in the United States has heard of the Holstein from Mabton, Wash., found to be infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), better known as “mad cow disease.” What people...

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