
  • Workers rights are human rights

    Workers rights are human rights

    December 12, 2003

    On Human Rights Day, 2003 WASHINGTON – Chanting “Workers’ rights are human rights,” more than 1,000 union workers rallied in front of the U.S. Labor Department Dec. 10. The multiracial crowd wore union caps and jackets...

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  • Pickets cross Borders

    Pickets cross Borders

    December 5, 2003

    ANN ARBOR, Mich. – “We will stay on strike until Borders [bookstores] bargains in good faith,” say striking workers affiliated with the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 876 on the picket line at Borders’ number...

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  • Mentally ill abandoned by the system

    Mentally ill abandoned by the system

    December 5, 2003

    Opinion Fifty years ago half a million of us lived in public mental health hospitals, some voluntary but many against their will. How is it that today, by some estimates, only approximately 80,000 of us are...

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  • A class approach to pensions

    A class approach to pensions

    December 5, 2003

    Opinion One of the proudest achievements of the U.S. labor movement, the retired worker’s monthly pension check, is in deepening trouble. Union-negotiated defined-benefit plans supposedly provide a monthly pension check for life, insured by a federal...

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  • Bush administration resurrects J. Edgar Hoover

    Bush administration resurrects J. Edgar Hoover

    December 5, 2003

    Opinion As the right wing in the U.S. is in lock-step in its attempted march back in time, using twisted reasoning for public consumption, a report from The New York Times lets us know that the...

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