
  • In whose interests does Bush act?

    In whose interests does Bush act?

    October 23, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    On Sept. 9 the front page of the Wall Street Journal headlined an article, “U.S. opposes EU effort to test chemicals for health hazards.”

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  • Philly to vote on health care

    Philly to vote on health care

    October 23, 2003

    Philadelphia, Pa. – The Nov. 4 election will provide Philadelphians the opportunity to change the city’s Home Rule Charter so that the Department of Health is directed to develop a plan for universal health care coverage...

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  • Poll: Public supports health care for all

    Poll: Public supports health care for all

    October 23, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    WASHINGTON – An ABC News-Washington Post poll released Oct. 19 says the public’s growing anger with the current health care system has built support for a new approach that would guarantee care for all.

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  • Once again on socialist market 

    Once again on socialist market economies

    October 23, 2003

    The subject of a socialist market economy is a contentious one, with Vietnam’s recent economic history bringing questions about it into sharp relief, as the response to the “People Before Profits” columns of July 12 and...

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  • Free Speech fight draws on militant history

    Free Speech fight draws on militant history

    October 23, 2003

    HOMESTEAD, Pa. – With post-9/11 attacks on civil liberties running amok, nearly a hundred marchers poured out of the historic Carnegie Library here recently, heading off on a “Free Speech March” where they would stop along...

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