
  • Lessons from Cockyboo the Clown

    Lessons from Cockyboo the Clown

    September 26, 2003

    Opinion History repeats, said Marx, and the second time it’s comedy. The Bush administration is trying for a repeat of 1950s McCarthyism. I’m not laughing yet – maybe later. George Santayana said, if we don’t learn...

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  • The big picture about local politics

    The big picture about local politics

    September 26, 2003

    Opinion Eyes glaze over. The mention of local government produces a change in subject, a sudden urge to clean out cupboards or the desire to run to the nearest dentist. Yet, it is at the county...

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  • Corporate America and far-right buy grassroots campaigns

    Corporate America and far-right buy grassroots campaigns

    September 26, 2003

    A mockery of democracy: Corporate America and far-right buy ‘grassroots’ campaigns Back in July, Judge Charles McCoy dismissed a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles by Taxpayers Against the Governor’s Recall charging widespread fraud in the collection...

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  • Labor mural unveiled

    Labor mural unveiled

    September 26, 2003

    BREWER, Maine – On Labor Day about 150 enthusiastic union members and supporters gathered at the Labor Temple here to dedicate a mural large enough to cover three outside walls of the headquarters building of the...

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  • Kucinich gets ovation at UE meet

    Kucinich gets ovation at UE meet

    September 26, 2003

    PITTSBURGH – Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), candidate for the Democratic nomination for president, brought cheers from delegates to the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers 68th convention here recently, challenging them to consider “a new vision...

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