
  • Health crisis fueled by greed

    Health crisis fueled by greed

    September 19, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    The escalating health care crisis, while causing an ever-widening circle of human misery, is also revealing the ugly underbelly of U.S. capitalism. The health crisis is giving rise to a raft of illegal and fraudulent practices,...

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  • Retirees reject Medicare drug bills

    Retirees reject Medicare drug bills

    September 19, 2003

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – It rained and it poured, but still 1,000 retirees came out on Capitol Hill, Sept. 4, to stop the privatization of Medicare. Some were in wheel chairs, still they bravely held up their...

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  • Yale pensions a national issue

    Yale pensions a national issue

    September 19, 2003 By Art Perlo

    Retirement into poverty, or retirement with dignity? With one quarter of Yale’s employees likely to retire in the course of the next contract, this critical issue for workers everywhere has become pivotal in the strike against...

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  • Miners rally for retirees

    Miners rally for retirees

    September 19, 2003

    TUCSON, Ariz. – Hundreds of retired copper workers and their supporters rallied at the Federal Courthouse Sept. 8 to voice their outrage at ASARCO’s recent decision to unilaterally slash health insurance benefits for retired copper mine...

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  • Labor Nation agency slammed

    Labor Nation agency slammed

    September 19, 2003

    CHICAGO – “Is this a union town?” asked Tim Leahy, secretary-treasurer of the Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL). “How strong is labor if places like Labor Nation supply scabs? This fight isn’t just a fight just...

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