
  • Connecticut Freedom Ride gets rolling

    Connecticut Freedom Ride gets rolling

    August 1, 2003

    NEW HAVEN, Conn. – The basement of St. Rose Church was jam-packed, and the crowd spilled out into the streets for Connecticut’s statewide Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride kick-off rally July 23. The working class neighborhood of...

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  • Philadelphians pan Bushs tax plan

    Philadelphians pan Bushs tax plan

    August 1, 2003

    PHILADELPHIA – Chanting protesters with colorful signs lined the streets across from the U.S. Treasury Department offices as a motorcade brought in George W. Bush for a photo-op to bring attention to his “tax credit checks,”...

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  • National Urban League: Close equality gap

    National Urban League: Close equality gap

    August 1, 2003

    PITTSBURGH – Celebrating political achievements, business success, and cultural excellence, 3,000 National Urban League (NUL) convention delegates gathered here July 26-30. Thousands of local residents submitted resumes at a job fair, attended conference sessions, received a...

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  • California recall has makings of coup

    California recall has makings of coup

    August 1, 2003

    News analysis The attempted recall of California Democratic Gov. Gray Davis has all the markings of another Republican Florida-style ballot-box coup. The situation is very fluid and volatile, but the underlying class and social forces are...

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  • Remember Hiroshima  Stop the killing in Iraq!

    Remember Hiroshima Stop the killing in Iraq!

    August 1, 2003

    “End the occupation, Investigate the lies, Bring the troops home now!” are some of the key slogans under which peace groups are organizing for local actions for peace to mark the anniversary of the dropping of...

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