Town meetings oppose Bush drug plan
July 25, 2003NEW HAVEN, Conn. – Unable to get heard on the floor of the House, over 70 members of Congress convened town hall meetings in their home districts over the weekend to expose the truth about the...
Read moreRubber workers fight for jobs, families
July 25, 2003PITTSBURGH – Until there is a flat or a broken belt, usually in the dead of winter, middle of nowhere, tires or rubber belts are not even a blip on the radar. Unless, that is, you’re...
Read moreNational Clips
July 25, 2003CHICAGO, Ill.: Show us the evidence, Mr. President Thirty Chicago aldermen, a majority of the Chicago City Council, signed a letter this week to President Bush urging him to reveal to the nation all the evidence...
Read moreLa Raza calls for massive voter turnout
July 25, 2003AUSTIN, Texas – Calling George W. Bush’s campaign promises “a false image, a mirage,” Raul Yzaguirre, president of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), called on Latinos in the United States to register and vote...
Read moreBush warhawks beg UN for help
July 25, 2003The Bush administration, which thumbed its nose at the United Nations before the Iraq war, has now been forced to beg the UN for help with its foundering occupation.
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