
  • Labor and the 2004 elections The view from Iowa and South Carolina

    Labor and the 2004 elections The view from Iowa and South Carolina

    May 9, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    Mark Smith, president of the Iowa AFL-CIO, said his federation is not “doing much” when it comes to the 2004 election. “That comes after the AFL-CIO makes its endorsement. But some of our affiliates are busy,”...

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  • ILWU convention calls for peace, not war

    ILWU convention calls for peace, not war

    May 9, 2003

    SAN FRANCISCO — The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) called on the Bush administration and Congress to adopt policies of peace, as delegates to the 32nd International Convention overwhelmingly passed resolutions against the war in...

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  • Bush policies erode civil rights

    Bush policies erode civil rights

    May 9, 2003

    WASHINGTON – As civil rights veterans gathered in Birmingham, Ala., May 3-4 to celebrate their victory 40 years ago over Police Chief Bull Connor’s attack dogs and fire hoses, a report released by the Leadership Conference...

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  • Jobless rate climbs to nine-year high

    Jobless rate climbs to nine-year high

    May 9, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    EAST CHICAGO, Ill. – Bruce Gaddy is single. Tony McIntosh is married and has two children. Both live in this working-class suburb, 25 miles south of downtown Chicago. And both are unemployed: Gaddy because his plant...

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  • Chicagoans sue police over mass arrests

    Chicagoans sue police over mass arrests

    May 7, 2003

    CHICAGO – Attorneys for the Chicago Chapter of the National Lawyers’ Guild filed a class action suit against the City of Chicago and the Chicago Police Department on April 10 because of mass arrests of people...

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