
  • U.S. corporations set to profit off Iraq

    U.S. corporations set to profit off Iraq

    April 18, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    The Bush administration’s attempt to fashion for itself the sole role of ruler and victor in post-war Iraq is meeting growing domestic and international opposition.

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  • Peace activist moves into Bush neighborhood

    Peace activist moves into Bush neighborhood

    April 17, 2003

    One of President Bush’s neighbors in Crawford, Texas, is longtime Dallas peace activist Johnny Wolf. Wolf bought a home “smack in the middle” of the tiny Central Texas town and is converting it into the Crawford...

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  • Prescription drugs under Medicare

    Prescription drugs under Medicare

    April 17, 2003

    For seniors, Medicare reform means getting a comprehensive drug benefit under traditional Medicare that is affordable and stable in price. They like preventive benefits and favor reforms that maintain Medicare as a program in which everyone...

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  • Debt bondage
Debt bondage

    Debt bondage Debt bondage

    April 17, 2003 By Wadi’h Halabi

    The burden of unpayable debt is rising rapidly worldwide. In the U.S., household debt leaped from 65 percent of income in 1975 to more than 100 percent in 2001. Bankruptcies, individual and corporate, are near records.

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  • Professor arrested for defending freedom of speech

    Professor arrested for defending freedom of speech

    April 17, 2003

    BOSTON – Little did University of Massachusetts (UMass) professor Tony Van Der Meer know that he would be arrested by the campus police as he attempted to defend a student’s right to free speech. At a...

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