
  • March unemployment report: More bad news

    March unemployment report: More bad news

    April 11, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    None of the numbers in the March unemployment report are good: * Official unemployment stuck in the 5.8 percent range.

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  • U.S. policies in Latin America protested

    U.S. policies in Latin America protested

    April 11, 2003

    Thousands of activists are expected to converge on Washington, D.C., April 10-15 for the “Mobilization against military and economic intervention in Latin America and across the globe.”

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  • War tax resisters launch campaign

    War tax resisters launch campaign

    April 11, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    Mary Loehr works out of a small office in Ithaca, N.Y., where she coordinates a national campaign to build support for those who choose to withhold federal income taxes in protest against war.

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  • Child advocates to Bush: Stop war on kids

    Child advocates to Bush: Stop war on kids

    April 11, 2003

    WASHINGTON – More than 2,500 Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) delegates gathered here April 8-11 to fight Bush administration cutbacks in food stamps, Medicaid, and education and to demand that Congress enact the Dodd-Miller “Leave No Child...

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  • Police attack injures  protesters, workers

    Police attack injures protesters, workers

    April 11, 2003 By John Lane

    OAKLAND, Calif. – Outraged witnesses and community leaders used words like “preemptive,” “premeditated,” and “brutal” during an emotionally charged meeting of the Oakland City Council to describe the Oakland Police Department’s attack on anti-war demonstrators and...

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