
  • National Clips

    National Clips

    March 7, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    PITTSBURGH: 124th city on the peace list / BALTIMORE: Peace ‘illegal’ in suburban mall / SAN FRANCISCO: Stock exchange pres. against war / DETROIT: Marchers to High Court: ‘Save affirmative action’ / DALLAS: Driving while Black...

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  • Interfaith march against war

    Interfaith march against war

    March 7, 2003

    CHICAGO – Singing “peace, salaam, shalom” 2,000 clergy and lay worshipers solemnly paraded through the city’s Gold Coast on Feb. 23 to bear witness to the casualties of a U.S. pre-emptive war on Iraq. The action...

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  • Epidemics and cutbacks grip NYC

    Epidemics and cutbacks grip NYC

    February 28, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    Community health epidemics are now facing almost every big city in the country and some rural areas also.

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  • Churches speak out against war

    Churches speak out against war

    February 28, 2003 By Susan Webb

    National religious leaders are bringing a strong message against war on Iraq to their congregations across the country. “We are taking our message to ‘middle church’ – middle America at church,” the Rev. Robert Edgar, National...

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  • Real estate market explosion gone bust

    Real estate market explosion gone bust

    February 28, 2003

    Open up the classified section in your local newspaper and you, unlike the most esteemed economic minds in the country, might notice two things. Number one, though I will not dwell on it here, is that...

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