
  • International Notes

    International Notes

    February 14, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    Communist & workers parties say: No war! Over 60 communist and workers parties from around the world, including the CPUSA, have joined in signing an Appeal against the Aggressive War on Iraq, initiated by the Communist...

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  • France, Germany propose alternative to war

    France, Germany propose alternative to war

    February 14, 2003

    CHICAGO – Indicating the widening gulf between the Bush administration and much of the nation and world over the administration’s drive to war, a leading Republican senator is saying the U.S. should let Iraq weapons inspections...

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  • The same thing is happening

    The same thing is happening

    February 14, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    Ryo Kumasaka, one of the 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry who were rounded up and forced into U.S. concentration camps during World War II, worries that history may be repeating itself.

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  • Secret plan surfaces for Patriot Act II

    Secret plan surfaces for Patriot Act II

    February 14, 2003

    Civil libertarians are reacting with shock to a draft of new legislation being circulated in the Bush administration which, if passed, would radically reduce the Constitutional rights of everyone, citizen and non-citizen alike. It would also...

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  • Will history repeat itself? An interview with Ryo Kumasaka

    Will history repeat itself? An interview with Ryo Kumasaka

    February 14, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    Ryo Kumasaka was playing touch football in a nearby playground on December 7, 1941, when he heard Japanese planes had bombed Pearl Harbor.

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