Voting shows: Resistance is rising, even in Trump country
June 21, 2017“We showed the world that in places where nobody thought it was even possible to fight, we could fight.”
Read moreUprising over healthcare spills onto the Senate floor
June 20, 2017"We have to speak as one against making $600 billion in cuts to health care."
Read moreTrump now target of collusion, obstruction of justice and money laundering probes
June 16, 2017The new reports say money laundering probes by Mueller involve Trump’s former campaign manager, his son-in-law, and his fired national security adviser.
Read moreMueller probe now investigating criminal obstruction by Trump himself
June 15, 2017"The American people deserve a full accounting of attempts to meddle in both our democratic processes and the impartial administration of justice."
Read moreGOP congressman shot at baseball practice faced questions about his ties
June 14, 2017The Louisiana conservative was elected majority whip, the job of chief vote counter for the GOP leadership team.
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